5 Telltale Signs Your Water Heater is About to Fail

5 Telltale Signs Your Water Heater is About to Fail

You are taking a refreshing shower during a cold winter’s night? Suddenly, you started chilling because cold water was coming out from the nozzles. Nobody wishes to experience such a nightmare. Nor anybody wants to have their water heater break down. Who do you think wants to yell, “What’s wrong with the water heater?” I guess none!

In most cases, we can avoid such a surprise. We just need a little concern on the reliability of our water heater. We just need to be aware of the 6 telltale signs if your water heater is about to fail.

Importance of Water Heater Among Households

Little did we realise that our water heaters are very important. Not until something goes wrong with them and we start experiencing a lot of inconveniences. With a water heater, you get a supply of warm water whenever you need it. You can readily clean the dishes, have a shower, or wash your clothes in warm cycles. You no longer need to heat the pot which is not earth-friendly and very time-consuming. A hybrid or tankless water heater conserves energy and water. As such it helps protect the earth. As it consumes less energy and water, it helps you save money from your utility bills. 

Warning Signs of Water Heater Failure

Here are 5 telltale signs your water heater is about to fail. 


Depending on its proper maintenance and type, water heaters can last between 8 to 15 years on average. This means that they are not built forever. They are subject to wear-and-tear. If you have a hard water supply, using water softeners can extend the life of your water heater. They tend to break down fast if they are overworking on warming hard water. Be aware of how old your water heater is. Check the serial number on the upper part. It includes the production date or the year your water heater was made.

Cloudiness or Rust in Your Warm Water Supply

When the water coming out of your faucet seems cloudy, murky, or rusty, it may be a sign that your water heater is malfunctioning. Corrosion might be eating the metal inside your water heater. Or mineral deposits might be building up that results in the cloudiness of warm water. All these can eventually damage the components of your water heater and cause it to fail.


Water dripping on the water heater tank or pipes signals a problem in the unit. If water pooled around it, there might be a need to adjust or tighten up some parts. If you don’t address such an issue quickly, it may result in a bigger issue including the malfunction of your water heater. 

Shortage in Hot Water

Once you begin to struggle to get enough supply of hot or warm water, there may be something wrong with your water heater. The electrical system or heating element may be starting to break up. Sediment buildup may have blocked the system to function smoothly. These are early signs that your water heater is about to fail. 24/7 plumbers Malabar residents depend on to fix plumbing issues recommend that you flush your water heater once every year. This is to give time for your water heater to rest and refresh.

Strange Noises

Popping sounds or rumbling noises coming from your water heater indicate trouble inside the unit. It may be a telltale that is highly likely to fail. Especially when your water heater gets older, these sounds start to become noticeable. They can also be a sign of corrosion or sediment buildup inside the tank. Or cracks and leaks are most likely causing them. As the sounds get louder, the number of days that you could use your water heater gets lesser.