Enjoying Your Outdoor Space All Winter Long

Enjoying Your Outdoor Space All Winter Long

Spending time outside is something we normally associate with the warmer months, especially during the summer. But, when you have a beautiful outdoor space, why not use it during the winter? Here are some tips and tricks to enjoying your outdoor space all winter long!

Think Warm

You’ll want to keep “being warm” in mind as you decorate and upgrade your outdoor space to withstand the winter months. Even if you live in an area that has a mildly cool climate, the evenings can always get a bit chilly. That’s why it’s important to have the essentials available! Turning an outdoor bench into a place you can store all your cozy custom blankets will help keep you and your guests warm this winter.

Don’t Forget the Fire Pit

After checking your local ordinances and regulations concerning fire pits and open flames, invest in a fire pit! With more and more families spending the winter home instead of traveling to warmer climates, a fire pit is a must! You can easily gather round, roast marshmallows for s’mores and enjoy a nice mug of hot chocolate in a unique personalized coffee mug. Fire pits come in so many styles and sizes nowadays that you’ll be able to find the perfect fire pit for your outdoor space!

Put Up a Tent

A tent with walls is great for the winter months! It will block the wind and also insulate any heat that’s circulating. Just remember that putting an open flame under the tent can be a fire hazard, so put up some string lights or have some battery-operated hand warmers available for you and your guests to enjoy.

If you don’t have space in your yard for a full-sized tent, you can also shade in your deck with heavy curtains or roller shades. They might not conduct heat in the same way as a tent, but they will definitely help keep your outdoor space much warmer than if you just let the wind whip right through!

Source: MeSamong/Shutterstock.com

Add Pillows…Lots and Lots of Pillows

People love to just cozy up with a thick blanket and bury themselves in pillows when it’s cold. Add a variety of throw pillows in different sizes to your outdoor furniture and make sure the pillow covers are soft and warm! You should find ones that are weather-proof, but also ones that are made of warm materials, such as flannel, faux fur or even cable knit. These materials will help to keep your guests warm as they lounge in your outdoor space during the winter nights.

Light Up the Night

One of the best parts of the winter is that the night starts earlier! This means you get to enjoy your string lights sooner in the day. Having the right lighting is absolutely necessary for encouraging your family and guests to spend time outdoors this winter. A classic set of round string bulbs set up in a crisscross pattern across your outdoor entertainment space is unparalleled, but some space heaters and even some lanterns provide different lighting options as well. The best outdoor spaces incorporate different types of lighting in subtle ways to ensure that the ambiance is there for everyone to enjoy.

Have Outerwear Available

Some guests might arrive at your home with enough outerwear to get them from their car to your home and back again. While this is a great plan for them, if you decide to have them outside to spend time by the firepit for any reason, it’s important that you have some extra outerwear available for them to wrap themselves into. This, of course, is in addition to any blankets you have available, but sometimes they will just need a good set of ear muffs or gloves to wear while outside.

Source: Krasimir Matarov/Shutterstock.com

Plant Winter Florals and Greenery

There are lots of different flowers that bloom in the colder months of the year, so don’t hesitate to spruce up your outdoor space during the winter! When your space looks good, you’ll want to spend more time out there. Incorporate other garden decor, such as personalized garden stones, to really make the space shine during the day. Even if you live in a climate that gets pretty cold, you can still do some gardening! You’ll have the brightest house on the block during the winter.

Use Color to Warm the Space Up

You’ll want to incorporate warmer colors outside to keep the space feeling warm. In fact, some studies have shown that the colors in a space can subconsciously affect how we perceive our temperature! This is amazing because we can effectively control how hot or cold we feel by changing the colors of the space we’re in. For outdoor spaces, this is crucial because we’re much more susceptible to the temperature. Using warm jeweled tones of garnet, deep mustard yellows and soothing browns in your outdoor furniture and decor can keep the space feeling much warmer than the actual temperature.

Embrace a Cozy Lifestyle

One of the cross-cultural trends that has stuck around for a few years is hygge, the Danish way of embracing coziness and relaxation. This lifestyle is perfect for winter, especially in your outdoor space! The whole idea is emphasizing the importance of close relationships and embracing comfort in the dark. Some of the ways you can incorporate hygge into your outdoor space are by having a fire going every night, wearing thick socks, wrapping up in a thick blanket and even boiling a kettle of water for tea over your open flame! Some fresh-baked, warm pastries are also great–especially when you can share them with your family and close friends. Hygge is more of a mindset to have. It’s how the Danish people can get through the winter months. It’s clearly worked for them for centuries. Why not give it a try?

There are lots of ways you can spruce up your outdoor space to make it enjoyable during the winter. Focus on keeping the space warm and lively and you’ll soon find that you want to spend time outdoors all winter!