How to Slash Hot Water Costs by a Menai Plumber

Menai Plumber

How much money are you burning up each month on hot water costs? The average Australian home is spending about 15% of their energy bill on heating water.

That’s a pretty significant portion — the second-largest energy usage factor after heating your space.

What if you could slash your energy bills by slashing your hot water usage? You can! And there are some pretty simple ways to do it. Check out a few here!

Low-Flow Showerheads

Don’t be afraid of low-flow showerheads with pathetic water pressure. Modern low-flow heads allow you to enjoy a luxurious shower while using significantly less water at the same time.

For example, the standard showerhead in Australia burns through 20 litres of water per minute. Compare that to the typical low-flow showerhead that only uses about 10 litres per minute. If you want to get even crazier, there are some models that can get it down to about 6 litres per minute. Pretty impressive!

Take Advantage of Low Rates

If you have an electric system, you can take advantage of the lower tariffs during off-peak hours. Put your water heating system on a timer so that it only turns on during the times of day when electricity rates are lowest. It’s an easy way to save on your electrical bill without changing a single habit.

Insulate Your Water Heater and Pipes

An excellent way to save is not to lose heat from the already heated water as it sits in your hot water tank or runs through the pipes. It doesn’t take much plumbing know-how to insulate the tank and the first 3 feet of water pipe coming out of your heater.

You can buy ready-made sleeves at the hardware store for the pipes. All you have to do is wrap them around the pipes. Just make sure to keep all insulation at least 6 inches away from the flue if you have a gas water heater.

Insulation may or may not benefit your tank, depending on its construction. You should be able to find the R-value of the tank in your owner’s manual. Alternately, you can touch the outside of the tank to see if it is warm. A warm tank means you could use some insulation.

Plus, it’s an inexpensive do-it-yourself project that virtually anyone can do. Of course, if you’re unsure how to get started, don’t hesitate to call Curran Plumbing in Menai. Placing the insulation blanket over the wrong part of the hot water heater can cause problems.

Saving Money Made Simple

Who knew that it could be so simple to save money on your water heating costs? These easy tips are all great ways to watch your bill fall while still enjoying plenty of hot water in your home.